Monday, March 14, 2011

Mmm... nice

It is my duty as a good and supportive husband to break the prolonged silence that has fallen over my blog.

The reason being to bring to your attention my lovely wife, Mel's, blog page about her relishes, pickles, chutneys and preserves. They are proving to be very popular with everyone who tries them. 

Now chutney isn't my thing so I don't indulge in that, but the sweet chilli jam is good. The main reason that I don't try more of them is that in our house there are lots of jars of stuff for our consumption, but nothing is labeled. Mel knows what everything is, but I don't have a clue, and I don't want to take a chance and end up with a rather strange combination.

But I implore you to seek out a way of getting your tongue round a sample of the goods, I'm certain that you will be hungry for more. 

Click on the link in the title to get to her page. The blog looks good, but that's cos I designed it.

1 comment:

Medical Alert Systems said...

Sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing.